Most Common Letter
E is used in 11.16% of English words. This is a higher percentage than any of the other letters. It is also the most used letter in French, Spanish, Italian and German as well. This means that 11.16% of the words we use would not exist without the letter E.
Omitting words that use the letter E, the above paragraph would look like this:
Is in 11.16% of words. This is a than any of. It is also most in Spanish, Italian and as. This that 11.16% of words would not without.
See how different it is without E?
Phonetic Spelling of Other Letters
Did you know that the letters of the alphabet have their own spellings? That’s right, letters like B and S are spelled “bee” and “ess.” Out of all 26 letters in the English alphabet, 18 of them are spelled with at least one E. Out of those 18, 8 of them have two Es. The only letters that do not contain Es are A, H, I, J, K, O, R, and U. This means that without E, our alphabet would only be 8 letters long.
Omitting the words that use E or any of the letters spelled with E, the above paragraph would look like this:
? 26, 18 18, 8 A, H, I, J, K, O, R, U. our 8.
Does E seem important now?